Hi Folks!
(Scroll down for toonage, if you really can't wait)
Firstly, I'm really sorry about the sudden appearance of a blog instead of the usual series of cartoons. This is because my beloved webhost's server blew up a couple of days ago. It was all backed up, and he's doing his best to get everything migrated over to a new one, but in the meantime I'm afraid we'll just have to manage with the blog instead. I'll be posting some toons here until the site gets fixed, just to keep things going. The moral of this story is that it's always worth asking nicely!
Secondly, you may notice that down there at the bottom is a post by Etain, who was the original owner of chaosbunny.blogspot.com, but who very kindly donated the name to me when I asked nicely a few months ago, expecting to get no response or a 'no way'.
This comic is dedicated to Etain - Thankyou!
(click on the picture to view at full size)

(Since I uploaded toons up to Tuesday, which will show when the site comes back up, this also stands in for Wednesday's toon)
I've been meaning to move my 'news' page over to blog format anyhow, so once the site comes back you'll be able to read the same Chaosbunny News here or on Chaosbunny.com. I just finally got pushed into getting around to it a bit earlier than I might have done!
I also have a twitter account at http://twitter.com/chaosbunny - occasionally this gets updated too, and no doubt I will post updates of any future outages there as well, as I'm sure they'll happen occasionally.
Lots of love to all of you,
Maxine - also known as Jim the Chaosbunny
*update, Wednesday morning, 01:16am* - Spoke to my lovely web chappy, who did I mention had backed up the site beautifully. It's back up via http://www.bikiniarmy.org.uk/MG/jnt/toon.php, and you can comment and everything, but I can't upload anything new at the moment, so new toons will be displayed on here until then.